flippin amazing, it was alright for awhile then everything kicked in and my herat exploded.
flippin amazing, it was alright for awhile then everything kicked in and my herat exploded.
Wow thanks man =D. Im glad you like it!
i love this song, what program are you using?
you make some epic stuff man!
this great
it does sound alot like guitar vs piano but i think i like this one more :D
Hehe thank you kindly partna.
that was great, it really embodied the old game, you did a magnificent job on this. grats man.
thanks man =D.
Das Brilliant
i liked that one, i havent heard anything like that in a while, had to download this one, keep up the awesome work, you should check out some of mine.
it was pretty good, im a fan of metal, and a fan of vivaldi and you put em together, not bad. you should do all his seasons.
I suppose I could, but am I worthy enough? Only time will tell! <More shit like that >
That Was Great I Enjoyed That One Espaeacially at 1:10 and up, you should check out some of my boredom lol 5/5 10/10
"Ephemeral Style." Always Changing.
Joined on 2/25/07